

”Government reports indicate the number of power outages doubles every five years. That works out to an 8-fold increase in power outages compared to just 20-years ago.
The need for a standby generator only increases with time.”

There are two basic types of home generators – Manual and Standby. Generators operated manually are typically also portable generators and require you to be home to start the generator and transfer power to the generator. If your generator is a portable, you may also have to run extension cords to the generator – which means unplugging the appliance from the wall and connecting it to an extension cord.

A standby generator can bring a sense of safety and security to a home or business by automatically energizing light and appliance circuits, network operations, and HVAC circuits for temperature control. When utility power fails, a standby generator automatically restores power to all connected circuits within as little as 10 seconds. Likewise, when utility power is finally restored, the generator automatically transfers power back to the utility as it begins to power down the generator.

Everything is automatic, so you do not have to be home for the generator to operate. All you need do is enjoy life without interruption. 

To learn more about backup standby generators, click here.